Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Last week I was in Canada's capital city, Ottawa for the day. I've been to Ottawa so many times for so many different reasons. This time I was there because I had some crazy tickets to the Taylor Swift concert. I was literally two feet from the stage for Taylor Swift and Vance Joy. 
Going into the concert I was more excited to hear Vance Joy preform than Taylor Swift because I prefer his music. I just thought it would be cool to see Taylor Swift because she's the biggest pop star in the world right now so...what's cooler than that? Plus the tickets were free! 
As it turns out the concert turned me into the Taylor Swift fan I never thought I would be. She's such a good live performer and her songs were all so catchy! 

(Photos from the concert on my Instagram @tarynpotasky) 

Bag: Marc Jacobs
Shirt: Over the Rainbow
Shorts: Zara
Shoes: Steve Madden

The Rideau Canal 

Chateau Laurier

Canadian parliament building 

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